Purchasing a motor insurance policy isn’t just legally mandatory, but also plain practical. It covers our vehicle from most damages that it incurs. However, there are incidents that no auto… Read more »
A vehicle insurance plan that has crossed its expiry date is known as a lapsed or a ‘break-in’ policy. A lapsed car policy isn’t something you should be carrying around… Read more »
There are people who consider auto insurance to be a wasteful expense and a liability, despite its status as a mandatory legal document. Some simply forget to renew it in… Read more »
When you buy a car for the first time, you try to do everything you can to save it from damages and breakdowns. Since it is a machine and we… Read more »
Many people shun the idea of insurance due to numerous reasons. People think of car insurance as a liability, in their attempt to avoid unnecessary payment outflow, they miss the… Read more »