Medical emergencies while travelling abroad can cost you a fortune. An Overseas Health Insurance Policy is the best solution. It is the best way to secure yourself and replenish your pockets in the time of need. It covers your medical expenses for every contingency from personal accident cover to medical evacuation. Instant and cheap, you can also buy your Overseas Health Insurance Policy online. It is a sure-shot way to ensure that all the financial expenses that may incur outside India due to any medical crisis are recovered. This way, you can stay tension free and enjoy your trip.
What does it cover?
It covers everything from body injuries caused, sickness, dental treatment to disease contracted. Sometimes, the change of weather and wind takes a toll on your health. An overseas health insurance plan keeps you financially secured at such times. Accidents and mishaps that lead to hospitalization can also make your expenses soar high. The best part about an Overseas Health Insurance Policy Plan is that the claims are settled then and there. You need not wait till you reach back to India to get your claims settled. It is quite similar to an International Travel Insurance Policy. However, there is neither an Overseas Health Insurance Policy nor an International Travel Insurance Policy that fully covers pre-existing conditions and ailments. But not all health problems arise due to pre-existing conditions, one must have a concrete health insurance plan to protect himself from the escalating health expenses that may occur while traveling abroad.
When is it useful?
Benefits of buying a term planare unlimited and far reaching. Many a times, people go abroad for medical treatments. Going to another country for medical reasons is not easy. One needs to be financially stable to bear such great expenses. Another problem that arises is that many health insurance policies in India do not cover overseas medical treatments. Hence, to resolve this hindrance, many health insurance companies have launched Overseas Health Insurance Policies. An Overseas Health Insurance Plan also ensures accidental death benefit, critical illness riderand permanentdisability rider. Therefore, it is a necessary investment to make before one goes abroad.